Academic Resources

Supporting Academic Success

The relationship between Newark Academy students and their teachers goes well beyond the end of the class period. Time is built into the end of each school day for students to meet with their teachers to ask questions, clarify lessons or share ideas. Teachers also make themselves available to students during mutual free periods and are responsive to requests for help via telephone or email.  Students can access course materials – including updates to the syllabus, important points covered in class and to participate in after-school class discussions through MyNA, Newark Academy’s learning management system. 

Beyond one-on-one support from teachers, NA offers students seeking “extra help” a number of other resources, include:

List of 4 items.

  • Pre-Orientation Program

    Designed to assist entering ninth grade students with the transition to Newark Academy, Pre-Orientation is  a voluntary program for students who are recommended by the Principal of the Upper School, the Director of Admission and the Director of Equity and Inclusion. The program consists of workshops in critical reading and writing, math and biology, and computer skills, and activities geared toward helping students feel prepared for academic and personal success at NA.
  • Learning Specialist

    Newark Academy students bring a wide variety of talents, passions, abilities and learning styles to our community. While academically rigorous, NA is committed to providing all of our students with the resources they need to succeed. This includes students who come to NA with mild, diagnosed learning differences and those who need assistance in adjusting to the pace and volume of academic work. Our on-staff Learning Specialist and Resource Center provides an array of individualized services designed to strengthen study skills, impart test-taking strategies and enhance learning in specific academic subjects. 
  • Writing Lab

    Consistently over its nearly 250 year history, Newark Academy graduates students who are strong writers. Development of this skill, essential to success in any field of endeavor, is woven throughout the curriculum at all grade levels. In addition to the guidance provided by faculty in the classroom, NA’s on-staff Writing Specialist provides students additional opportunities grow into thoughtful, insightful academic writers across all disciplines. In periodic workshops, Upper School students can learn about key aspects of the writing process including crafting thesis statements, using evidence to bolster a position and editing for both grammar and content. Individual help on specific assignments is also available for both Upper and Middle School students through the Writing Lab. 
  • Peer Tutoring

    Newark Academy’s bright and engaging students are an important source of academic support for one another. Students with strong academic performance in a particular subject or subjects volunteer to serve other students as Peer Tutors. Students interested in working with a Peer Tutor, should contact Mrs. DelRusso. Peer tutoring sessions can be  scheduled once each six-day academic cycle or somewhat less formally at times and locations convenient to both students.  
An independent school for students in grades 6-12